
Suno AI 作曲爆红全球,五音不全也可以称为音乐家,Suno 简单教程,5分钟学会填词谱曲

Suno AI composition has become popular all over the world. Tone deaf can also be called a musician. Suno simple tutorial, learn to write lyrics and compose music in 5 minutes

Posted by xuepro on April 2, 2024

Suno AI 作曲爆红全球,五音不全也可以称为音乐家,Suno 简单教程,5分钟学会填词谱曲

Style and Lyrics


Style(风格)和 Genre(流派)

Meta Tags (元标签)描述歌曲的结构和风格

Verse 和 Chorus

  • Verse 主歌 :故事的讲述和气氛塑造,通常 4-8行
  • Chorus 副歌 : 通常重复性的旋律加深印象、更多能量

VPre-chorus 和 Bridg

  • Pre-chorus: 前置副歌,插入在Verse 和Pre-chorus之间,起衔接作用, 让中间过渡更为自然。
  • Bridge:桥段,在Chorus后面,歌词的转折点,通常引入新的歌词和旋律


Beark: 休息/间奏: 其中主奏乐器或歌手静音,伴奏乐器演奏。如:

[Guitar solo] 吉他独奏






Intro(前奏)、Outro(尾奏) 、End(结束):

如:[intro instrumental build]

··· [Intro] This one is notoriously unreliable. It’s probably better to describe it like an instrumental break.

[Short Instrumental Intro] [Hook] A hook is a repetitive phrase or instrumental. Try repeating a short line 2 – 4 times with or without the label.

[Catchy Hook] [Break] A break is a few bars of the song where the lead instruments or singer go silent, and the accompanying instruments play. A [Break] can sometimes be used strategically to interrupt the current pattern.

[Break] [Percussion Break] [Interlude] Interlude is a useful tag to create an instrumental section within the lyrics.

[melodic interlude] [Outro] An Outro can help to prime the song to end, and may create a loop to fade out in post edit.

Refrain seems to get more ‘creative’ when wrapping up the end of the song, while Big Finish may change the melody or tempo to create a climax.

[Outro] [Refrain] [Big Finish] [End] An end tag in the lyrics may work best alone as its own clip. Clear the Style Prompt, or add ‘End’ to the style description.

[End] [Fade Out] [Fade to End]


Lyrics are Stronger than Metatags

Metatags can ‘nudge’ the AI within the lyrics, but the lyric-structure, the current song pattern, and the Style Prompt, are stronger influences than the tags.

Even when they work, they don’t always work. When they do work, it can still feel like a casino.

A fast rap song needs more words per line than a slow ballad.
Verse and Chorus need different syllable-per-line counts and phrasing, or they will sound the same and blur together.
It’s possible to have a song that’s just verses, when all the lyrics follow the same pattern and rhyme scheme.

sonoteller 从视频中得到风格描述



  • 问:请帮我写一首中文歌词,反应一个人在生活工作中不断经历挫折、打击、打压、欺负,但仍然不断和命运抗争的精神和情绪。并给出歌词的风格。
  • Copilot 当然可以。以下是一首反映坚韧不拔、勇于抗争精神的中文歌词,风格偏向摇滚,以表达内心的激情和不屈不挠的决心: ``` (副歌) 火在燃烧,泪未干掉, 命运挑战,我从不逃避。 风暴来袭,心不颤抖, 我是战士,永不言败。

(节1) 每一道伤痕,都是勋章, 每一次跌倒,学会更强。 世界虽残酷,我有梦想, 破茧成蝶,展翅高飞。

(副歌) 火在燃烧,泪未干掉, 命运挑战,我从不逃避。 风暴来袭,心不颤抖, 我是战士,永不言败。

(节2) 让风雨来得更猛烈些吧, 我会用力量,撑起希望的天空。 没有谁能够,击垮我的灵魂, 在最黑暗中,寻找光明的出口。

(副歌) 火在燃烧,泪未干掉, 命运挑战,我从不逃避。 风暴来袭,心不颤抖, 我是战士,永不言败。

(桥段) 即使全世界,都对我说不, 我也要证明,自己能走多远。 每一次呐喊,都是力量, 直到世界,听见我的声音。

(副歌) 火在燃烧,泪未干掉, 命运挑战,我从不逃避。 风暴来袭,心不颤抖, 我是战士,永不言败。

(尾声) 就算前路漫长且艰难, 我有信念,永远不会放弃。 直到最后,一刻不停留, 在我的世界,我是唯一的王。 ``` 这首歌词通过强烈的情感和坚定的态度,展现了一个人在逆境中不断奋斗、不断挑战命运的勇气。希望这能够符合您的要求。

  • 用专业词语简短说明歌曲的风格和类型
  • Copilot 这首歌曲的风格是摇滚乐(Rock),它以紧凑的节奏、强烈的电吉他和鼓点为特征,通常表达出一种反叛和自由的精神。歌曲类型可以归类为抗争摇滚(Protest Rock),因为它传达了面对生活挑战时的抗争和坚持不懈的主题。

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