
Configuring C++17 supported compiler on wnidows for CodeBlocks and Visual Studio Code

Configuring C++17 supported compiler on wnidows for CodeBlocks and Visual Studio Code

Posted by xuepro on February 28, 2020


  1. Visual Studio 2019 安装和使用, C++17从入门到精通

  2. install and configure mingW64 C++17 supporting on windows for Visual Studio and CodeBlocks

1. install mingw-64 on windows

1.1 download mingw-64

goto download link to download the install program: mingw-w64-install

or download the mingW version x86_64-win32-seh

1.2 extracted the 7z compressed file to a foler using 7z

1.3 add the bin folder of mingw-64 to Windows PATH environment variable.

open a new Command Prompt and type:

g++ --version
gdb --version

1.4 compile and run a c++ program

use notepad++ or notepad to edit a file “hello.cpp” as following:

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace a::b::c
    inline constexpr std::string_view str{ "hello" };
template <class... T>
std::tuple<std::size_t, std::common_type_t<T...>> sum(T... args)
    return { sizeof...(T), (args + ...) };
int main()
    auto [iNumbers, iSum]{ sum(1, 2, 3) };
    std::cout << a::b::c::str << ' ' << iNumbers << ' ' << iSum << '\n';
    std::array arr{ 1, 2, 3 };
    std::cout << std::size(arr) << '\n';
    return 0;

in new Command Prompt and type:

g++ -std==c++17 hello.cpp -o hello.exe

2. cofigure CodeBlocks for mingW-64 C++ compiler


from the main menu to select “SettingsCompilerToolchain executables.

change from


from the main menu to select “SettingsCompilercompiler setting. click the “compiler flag” and check the box “Have g++ follow the coming -std=c++1z (aka C++17) ISO C++ language standard…”

Alternatively, you can go to the Other Compiler Options tab and type in -std=c++17.



Refer to

  1. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/config-mingw
  2. Install Code::Blocks and GCC 9 on Windows - Build C, C++ and Fortran programs
  3. https://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/configuring-your-compiler-choosing-a-language-standard/

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